Bonjour, I'm Rowan
I graduated with a Bachelor's in physics and mathematics from The University of Sydney in 2021. I’m currently enrolled in the UBC data science certificate program to improve my coding skills.
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About Me
I completed my undergraduate in physics and mathematics, which were my favourite subjects growing up. I’ve used Python since 2017 for my computational labs at McGill University. After transferring to The University of Sydney, I also learned MATLAB, R, and other basic SQL commands. I have lived and studied in different countries including Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia and the United States. I’m grateful for such an experience as it allowed me to improve my academic and social skills.
I enjoyed coding, exploring and analyzing data during my undergraduate, so I decided to pivot and started learning Python again on my own time. I enrolled recently in the UBC data science certificate program to expand my knowledge and skills.
Apart from that, I like skateboarding as a sport. I also love painting and making art. I would love to make digital art one day using code. My favourite authors are Brianna Wiest and Naguib Mahfouz. I speak English, Arabic, Turkish, and Korean. I’m currently learning French in Montreal, QC. In my free time, I like reading manga and spending time with my cats, Lucy and Sasha.

My Work
Disney Heroes EDA
What is the most popular genre produced by Disney? And who is the most famous hero in Disney?
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Enterococci Bacteria
How do Enterococci bacteria affect us? And what is the best season to go swimming to avoid it?
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Provisional Diseases
How do the total deaths of by Covid-19 compare to Pneumonia and Influenza? And which gender got affected more by these diseases?
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Cheese Classification Model
How can cheese's degree of firmness be determined based on characteristics like moisture content, fat content, and milk treatment?
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Silicon Isotope Separation
A pairs of quantum dots is widely used in quantum computing. But how can we obtain stable qubit with minimal noise output and at low cost?
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